Thursday, September 6, 2012

Reflection 2

    The first article I read by Marc Prensky was titled, “The iPad is Coming! (Or is it?).” In his article, Prensky discussed some of the benefits of using iPads in the classroom, as well as some potential problems with it. One problem he mentioned is how do we keep the iPads safe with students using them. iPads are very expensive, and I can imagine they are not the most sturdy device in the world. Prensky suggested solving this problem by purchasing cases for all of the iPads. Would this solve all the problems associated with students using iPads though? No, I do not believe it would. Many young students have not mastered responsibility yet at their young age, and they could easily lose it.
    The second article I read was titled, “Using Cell Phones for Exams.” Prensky believes that students should be allowed to use cell phones during class because that makes it so that students do not have to store as much information in their brain. His view is basically, why should we do the work when technology can do it for us? My opinion, though, is that yes, we should take advantage of technology, but we should not be completely reliant on it. What would happen if you were relying on your phone for a test, but for some reason there is no service available? I think if phones were allowed to be used in classrooms, students would not pay attention in class because they would be too distracted texting their friends or updating their facebook.
    By reading these two articles I could tell that Marc Prensky is very pro-technology. He believes it should be used whenever possible. I agree with this opinion to some extent; however, how much learning are we really doing if we rely solely on technology?

Marc Prensky 

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